So I have arrived safely, and slowly I am acclimatizing to the heat! People around here say that April is the hottest, so I'm in for a treat! Anyway, my Nordic skin has already taken a beating, since we went surfing on Saturday. It was too fun to get out...though I finally had to concede after 4 hours. I thought I was really smart on the skincare front, I am wearing a spring wetsuit that has long-sleeves and short legs. However, the rest of my legs and hands did not fair so well... on the bright side, it is easy to put aloe on those parts of your body. It is unfortunate that I love the outdoors so much!

Here is a picture of my room, its downstairs at the house, where there is a bathroom next door, which I mostly have to myself. The family I am staying with are the Randall's. Mark runs an orphanage about 10km away, and his wife, Kevin, is a learning-assistance teacher at Nicaragua Christian Academy. Their eldest daughter Sarah is a teacher at NCA, their second daughter is in the Philippines, and their youngest, Anna, goes to NCA and is in grade 9. They are super chill people and generous to have me stay with them. Aleida's apartment is about 50 steps away, well, 50 steps for me, 75 for Aleida!