Monday, 17 March 2014

A Few Flora of Nicaragua

Last week and this week, I have been subbing at NCA-International for the history teacher.  Not only was this my least favourite subject in school, but I was also subbing for American History.  So basically I haven't known anything outside of the textbook, unless it was somehow related to Canada. (Canada is only mentioned in their US history book 3 times...max 3 sentences each... I checked.)  At any rate, it has still been fun putting my 2 cents in as a Canadian.

So since I was so outside my element, I thought I would use this post to show the science nerd in me.  I love learning about plants and like to identify them.  To me, its so interesting that the plants we see here in Nicaragua are the same as those in our Canadian homes and are merely labelled "tropical plant".  So for the plant lovers among are some of the plants that I have seen in Managua, a lot of which you will recognize:  (mostly taken from gardens and hiking in Selva Negra - since its the dry season, they actually have water) *please forgive me if I incorrectly identify these!
Bougainvillea spectabilis 


Couldn't find this one - but its beautiful

Jatropha podagrica

Reminded me of the prairies!

Epiphytes - look kinda like bromeliads

Selaginella - some kind of fern

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